Sarah Kowenicki

Westholme View, Cornwall

Westholme View, Cornwall

Painted using a palette knife, this tranquil, Cornish scene is one very familiar and dear to my family. It features Percuil Creek in St Mawes, on the breath-taking Roseland Peninsula. The palette knife is magical at creating tone and depth, evoking the very essence of water and sky in its suggestive sculptural textures. On display and for sale at Qube Gallery, Oswestry until July 2024.


Westholme View, Cornwall - framed

For sale

Unframed: £180

Framed as shown: £200

Medium: Acrylic on artist's card

Dimensions (unframed):
A4 landscape (29.7 × 21.0cm)

Dimensions (framed)
Custom landscape (45.0 × 32.8cm)


Click "Buy" and let me know you're interested. You can ask about and specify your framing requirements. I'll be in touch to confirm.