Sarah Kowenicki

Feuille de Malanga #2

Feuille de Malanga #2

Resilient, protecting and graceful, the Malanga leaf is both a practical object and a powerful metaphor for the women of the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe. The first in this series was commissioned as a wedding gift to encapsulate all good wishes for the couple's marriage. I loved it so much that I created another similar one to sell to the public... Framed pieces are sealed with artist's tape, and have nylon cord attached to hooks on the reverse of the painting, ready for hanging. On display and for sale at Qube Gallery, Oswestry until July 2024.


Feuille de Malanga #2 - framed

For sale

Unframed: £155

Framed as shown: £180

Medium: Acrylic on artist's card

Dimensions (unframed):
Custom portrait (42.0 × 51.0cm)

Dimensions (framed)
Custom portrait (50.0 × 59.0cm)


Click "Buy" and let me know you're interested. You can ask about and specify your framing requirements. I'll be in touch to confirm.